This bag is a food grade bag and you can use it to hold food without any harm.We have passed the food grade inspection, please rest assured to use.The bag is three-layer composite, the inner layer is oil-proof, and the outer layer is waterproof. We are a direct seller from the manufacturer, with a variety of specifications available. You can also customize the specifications you want, print your logo and so on.
Food grade kraft paper stand up pouch with zipper N
Product introduction:
It can be expanded when used, which greatly saves space and reduces transportation cost.After use can fold, more save space.
The inside material is food grade CPP, oil proof, so even if you use it for filling foods like nuts and beef, it won't penetrate.
It can be sealed by sealing machine again with strong sealing property. It is easier to open the bag and save time of looking for a knife or scissors.Self-sealing strip, reusable zipper sealing strip, good sealing, convenient sealing, practical and convenient.